Friday, 7pm in "Treffpunkt" (Genossenschaftsstrasse 13): Concert with students from the ZHdK.

Marc Mariscotti Va : Sätze aus Paul Hindemith, Sonate für Bratsche solo op. 25 Nr. 1
Nicholas Burkel Vc/ Frieda Siegrist Oliver Va: Beethoven, Duo mit zwei obligaten Augengläsern
Anna Freer Vl und Gast: Prokofiev und Telemann
Sonja Marjanovic Vc: ein Satz aus der 1. Solo-Suite von Bach, „Nach dem Weinen“ von Kancheli
Jacinta Odi Balbontin Va/ Carolina Picas Vl/ Mariia Pliskina Vl/ Guy Tal Vc: Debussy Streichquartett in G Moll

Saturday, 7pm in "Hombis Salon" (Dialogweg 11): Closing concert with the Modulor Quartet.


Founded in early 2019, the Modulor Quartet has held many concerts and taken part in numerous festivals, including the St. Galler Festspielen, Swiss Chamber Music Festival Adelboden, Guerilla Classics, Zürich, the Lions Club Lörrach and quatres saisons festival, Lausanne. The Quartet has been coached by Thomas Grossenbacher, Cobus Swanepol, Anna Gebert and Matthias and Wendy Enderle-Champney (Carmina Quartett).


Alongside the classical repertoire, the Quartet is also dedicated to contemporary music and interdisciplinary projects with dance and architecture. Architecture has influenced the Modular Quartet's name, paying respect to Le Corbusier's theory of proportions - a reference to the divine proportion.


The Modular Quartet was invited to the international Bartok competition in Budapest. Shortly afterwards, they were awarded the 2nd prize at the Orpheus Chamber Music Competition in Fribourg. The musicians are greatly looking forward to forthcoming performances as quartet-in-residence at Christoph Homberger's music salon.


Gregor Hänssler und Beatrice Harmon, Violinen
Demian Herzog, Bratsche
Milena Umiglia, Violoncello

Foto: Fabrice Umiglia